Monday, October 12, 2009

JPS: Working 30 hours? We'll cut dinner and limit your food purchase.

Is anyone else annoyed that JPS has cut back on cafe hours, the lunch budget and the amount of food that can be purchased at once? The cafe hours are now only for breakfast and lunch, so when are they able to eat dinner on call? I refuse to accept McDonalds is their only course of food when they used to have salads and subs (healthier options) in the cafe. The budget has been cut, which is also rediculous expecially for those living alone who don't have time to cook because they are so sleep deprived. They have now also limited how much you can buy at once. If someone is on call and they have closed down for dinner, they should be able to purchase to main entrees. Is there anyway RSA can e-mail JPS to express to them our concerns for our interns and residents? They should reevaluate their cafeteria. A lot of patients and families could benefit from that too, it's not just the employess. Although, I feel that these cutbacks are hitting the employess the most.


  1. I know!! We've been very aggravated at the change. Most importantly, closing down for dinner. I packed Kent a lunch box to get him through the night shift. It's ridiculous to expect them to be there for ANY amount of time without access to SOME food!
    Who do we write to? It might be best to flood the CFO's inbox with letters.

  2. That's awful. I am going to write a letter. I'll ask Leslie who I should send it to.
