Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Title

It has come to our attention that the title that announces this blog, "Resident Spouse Alliance," may strike fear in the heart of those among us who are unmarried. So much so, in fact, that others may feel excluded from exciting festivities, like a pumpkin-carving party, for instance. I move we change the name to "Resident Support Alliance," "JPS Support Team," "The John Peter Smith Group to Tend To, Care For, Feed, and in Any Other Possibly Helpful Way Support the Residents of John Peter Smith Hospital by Those Who Love Them."
Or something like that.
Do I hear a second?
Do I hear a better suggestion?


  1. I tell people it's for everyone- even men who are dating or married doctors. No one should feel excluded- sometimes being with someone is like being married with out the legalities. I hope you told them they are welcome to come! I'm working on getting several boys I know who don't have wives but should get out and mingle and make friends :) I don't care what we do, but JPS needs to know because our group is mentioned in the resident section for applications and all.

  2. good point, what about resident support association? Because then when can keep the blog address
